Shiatsu & Oriental Therapies


What is Shiatsu?

Shiatsu is a traditional Japanese body therapy that promotes health and wellbeing. Boasting both preventative and remedial effects, Shiatsu is an autonomous natural healthcare system. It is influenced by both Eastern and Western knowledge of anatomy, physiology, pathology, healing and a holistic understanding of life and health.

The aim of shiatsu is to support and stimulate the processes of natural self-healing, well-being and personal growth and to maintain health through balancing the energetic system of a person.

Shiatsu can treat people presenting with a wide variety of physical conditions and can also assist people through crisis, difficult life phases and processes of change.

Regular maintenance shiatsu treatment is highly recommended as apart of one’s self-care/wellness regime.

A person is lying face down on a massage table with a white towel. Another person's hands are skillfully administering a shiatsu massage to their back. There's soft lighting and a window with blinds in the background.

Benefits of Shiatsu

There are numerous and wonderful benefits experienced from a Shiatsu treatment. It has a profound effect on posture and improving joint mobility. It brings a deep sense of peace and mental clarity.

Shiatsu therapy is an effective way to manage physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.

  • Release muscular tension
  • Reduce pain
  • Increase flexibility
  • Improve posture
  • Improve mental clarity
  • Promotes positive energy
  • Reduce stress and anxiety
  • Improve sleep
  • Increase energy
  • Improve stress response
  • Encourage a sense of feeling whole and grounded
  • Feel nurtured and supported
  • Brings deep relaxation and sense of calm

What conditions can be helped

Shiatsu is excellent for general health maintenance and as a preventative therapy. Conditions that may respond well to shiatsu treatment include:

  • allergies
  • arthritis
  • asthma
  • back, neck and shoulder pain
  • constipation
  • depression
  • digestive problems
  • fatigue
  • headaches and migraine
  • insomnia
  • menstrual issues
  • RSI
  • sciatica
  • sports injuries
  • stress

The Shiatsu Approach

Consultation + Western/Oriental Diagnosis + Treatment

Consultation simply involves a chat about why you have presented for a treatment and what outcome you desire from your session. Depending on your reasons for needing a shiatsu treatment your practitioner may ask further questions, palpate areas of pain and tension, check range of movement, or conduct oriental diagnosis checking the tongue, pulse, or abdominal palpation.

Information about your diet and lifestyle may be asked if relevant. The Shiatsu practitioner will then create a unique treatment.

Shiatsu treatments are traditionally given on a soft futon mat on the floor; however, many Shiatsu practitioners also treat on a massage table.

In our clinic we primarily work on a massage table, but a comfy futon mat is available for classical and barefoot shiatsu treatments.

During futon mat treatments it is best to wear loose, comfortable clothes. You will be made very comfortable with pillows and blankets to support your body. When the therapist incorporates oriental therapies like cupping or moxibustion it may require some clothing to be removed.

The Shiatsu Technique

Shiatsu therapy uses techniques to apply therapeutic pressure over various parts of the body. The pressure varies and can be firm or light, using the palms, thumbs, elbows, knees and feet.

The Shiatsu Practitioner works along meridian channels to move energy blockages and to send energy to areas that are weak. Selecting acupressure points to each clients needs. Gentle stretches for the limbs and safe mobilisation of joints. Treatments can be focussed on problem areas that need more attention and specific treatment due to illness or injury. But a treatment will always involve treating the whole body from head to toe.

Treatments include Oriental Therapies

Oriental therapies may be included as part of your treatment for best therapeutic outcomes.

Cupping, moxibustion, gua-shua, press stud needling, tui- na (chinese massage), ear seeds, herbal liniments, general oriental dietary and lifestyle recommendations, self-care recommendations and prescription of corrective exercises.

Who can have Shiatsu?

Shiatsu therapy is suitable for all ages and abilities. Our clinic is wheel-chair accessible.

There are no limitations on who can receive a treatment.

Our priority is to deliver effective treatments, care, compassion, dignity, and respect.

Oriental Therapies

How these therapies work and why

We believe in blending the best Eastern and Western therapies in your treatment at the Body Balance Company. We will use the best combinations for your treatment, based on tailoring the therapy to your unique situation and needs.



Moxibustion is an ancient technique that has profound effects on your body’s circulation and physiology. It is a technique that incorporates burning the Ancient Chinese herb mugwort, and applying the heat therapeutically to acupuncture points and areas where pain manifests.


Cupping is similar to massage therapy because it also increases circulation and treats deep muscle tension and pain. It utilises special glass cups to create a gentle suction against your skin, which in turn promotes circulation and can even help fight off coughs and colds.

A person lying face down on a massage table receives cupping therapy, with several glass cups placed on their bare back, while the practitioner also incorporates soothing shiatsu techniques to enhance the treatment.
Gua Sha Therapy

Spooning (Gua- Sha)

Spooning is a great therapy to increase circulation and release stagnation in your body. A therapeutic Chinese spoon or tool is used to lightly scrape the skin, to allow for the release of tension, stiffness and pain. Spooning can also help to fight off colds, flu and fever, as well as treat pain and stiffness.

Traditional Chinese Dietary & Lifestyle

We apply the ‘Five Elements’ to dietary and lifestyle advise and use food as medicine to harmonise and balance the digestive system, liver and Kidneys. We will carefully assess your situation and can offer dietary advice to alleviate and improve digestive disorders, reduce excess phlegm and mucus, headaches, anxiety, stress, skin disorders and many others conditions.

Traditional Chinese Medicine
A black-and-white headshot of Rachel who has shoulder-length wavy hair and a subtle smile.

Your Practitioner - Rachel

Rachel has developed a holistic, ‘east meets west’ medical approach using a combination of her Shiatsu skills and Remedial Massage techniques. She brings a sense of calm and serenity by connecting the physical, energetic and emotional bodies with her flowing, deep treatments, utilizing acupressure points to each client’s needs.

Specialising in pre & post pregnancy massage, Rachel considers a woman’s journey through pregnancy to be a profound biological and emotional process that requires sincere nurturing for both mother and baby.

Rachel’s techniques vary from acupressure and meridian therapy, trigger point therapy, sports and deep tissue massage, reflexology, corrective exercises, mobilisation and gentle stretching of the limbs and body.